Using Branch Deployments with the dagster-cloud CLI#

This guide is applicable to Dagster Cloud.

In this guide, we'll walk you through setting up Branch Deployments with a general continuous integration (CI) or git platform, using the dagster-cloud CLI.

Using this approach to branch deployments may be a good fit if:

  • You don't use GitHub for version control
  • You use an alternate CI platform
  • You want full control over Branch Deployment configuration

If you use GitHub for version control or want Dagster to automate branch deployments, check out the dedicated Branch deployments with GitHub guide.


Utilizing Branch Deployments requires setting up two components: the Branch Deployment agent and CI platform. You'll need:

  • Editor or Admin permissions in Dagster Cloud
  • To install the dagster-cloud CLI
  • The ability to run a new agent in your infrastructure
  • The ability to configure your CI platform

Step 1: Generate a Dagster Cloud agent token#

In this step, you'll generate a token for the Dagster Cloud agent. The Dagster Cloud agent will use this to authenticate to the agent API.

  1. Sign in to your Dagster Cloud instance.
  2. Click the user menu (your icon) > Cloud settings.
  3. In the Cloud settings page, click the Tokens tab.
  4. Click the + Create agent token button.
  5. After the token has been created, click Reveal token.

Keep the token somewhere handy - you'll need it to complete the setup.

Step 2: Create and configure an agent#

While you can use your existing production agent, we recommend creating a dedicated branch deployment agent. This ensures that your production instance isn't negatively impacted by the workload associated with branch deployments.

  1. Deploy an ECS agent to serve your branch deployments. Follow the ECS agent setup guide, making sure to set the Enable Branch Deployments parameter if using the CloudFormation template. If you are running an existing agent, follow the upgrade guide to ensure your template is up-to-date. Then, turn on the Enable Branch Deployments parameter.

  2. Create a private Amazon Elastic Registry (ECR) repository. Refer to the AWS ECR documentation for instructions.

    After the repository has been created, navigate back to the list of ECR repositories.

    In the list, locate the repository and its URI:

    Highlighted repository URI in the AWS ECR console
  3. Create an IAM user. This user must:

    • Have push access to the ECR repository, and
    • Have programmatic access to AWS using an access key

    After the user is created, save the Access key ID and Secret access key values shown on the confirmation page:

    Highlighted repository URI in the AWS ECR console
  1. Set up a new Docker agent. Refer to the Docker agent setup guide for instructions.

  2. After the agent is set up, modify the dagster.yaml file as follows:

    • Set the dagster_cloud_api.branch_deployments field to true
    • Remove any deployment field(s)

    For example:

    # dagster.yaml
      module: dagster_cloud.instance
      class: DagsterCloudAgentInstance
      agent_token: <YOUR_AGENT_TOKEN>
      branch_deployments: true ## true enables branch deployments
      module: dagster_cloud.workspace.docker
      class: DockerUserCodeLauncher
          - dagster_cloud_agent
          enabled: true
          ttl_seconds: 7200 #2 hours
  1. Set up a new Kubernetes agent. Refer to the Kubernetes agent setup guide for instructions.

  2. After the agent is set up, modify your Helm values file to include the following:

      branchDeployments: true
        enabled: true
        ttlSeconds: 7200

Step 3: Create a branch deployment using the dagster-cloud CLI#

Next, you'll create a branch deployment using the dagster-cloud CLI. When the state of a branch or merge request is updated, Dagster Cloud first expects these steps to occur:

  1. A new image containing your code and requirements is built on the branch. Refer to the Dagster code requirements guide.

  2. The new image is pushed to a Docker registry accessible to your agent. Note: The following examples assume the registry URL and image tag are stored in the LOCATION_REGISTRY_URL and IMAGE_TAG environment variables, respectively.

After the above has occurred:

  1. Use the dagster-cloud CLI to create a branch deployment associated with the branch, as follows:

        dagster-cloud branch-deployment create-or-update \
            --organization $ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --api-token $DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN \ # Agent token from Step 1
            --git-repo-name $REPOSITORY_NAME \ # Git repository name
            --branch-name $BRANCH_NAME \ # Git branch name
            --commit-hash $COMMIT_SHA \ # Latest commit SHA on the branch
            --timestamp $TIMESTAMP # UTC unixtime timestamp of the latest commit

    One or more additional parameters can optionally be supplied to the create-or-update command to enhance the Branch Deployments UI in Dagster Cloud:

        dagster-cloud branch-deployment create-or-update \
            --organization $ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --api-token $DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN \
            --git-repo-name $REPOSITORY_NAME \
            --branch-name $BRANCH_NAME \
            --commit-hash $COMMIT_SHA \
            --timestamp $TIMESTAMP
            --code-review-url $PR_URL \ # URL to review the given changes, e.g.
                 # Pull Request or Merge Request
            --code-review-id $INPUT_PR \ # Alphanumeric ID for the given set of changes
            --pull-request-status $PR_STATUS \ # A status, one of `OPEN`, `CLOSED`,
                 # or `MERGED`, that describes the set of changes
            --commit-message $MESSAGE \ # The message associated with the latest commit
            --author-name $NAME \ # A display name for the latest commit's author
            --author-email $EMAIL \ # An email for the latest commit's author
            --author-avatar-url $AVATAR_URL # An avatar URL for the latest commit's author

    If the command is being executed from the context of the git repository, you can alternatively pull this metadata from the repository itself:

        dagster-cloud branch-deployment create-or-update \
            --organization $ORGANIZATION_NAME \
            --api-token $DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN \
            --git-repo-name $REPOSITORY_NAME \
            --branch-name $BRANCH_NAME \
            --read-git-state # Equivalent to passing --commit-hash, --timestamp
                             # --commit-message, --author-name, --author-email
  2. Deploy the code to the branch deployment:

    dagster-cloud workspace add-location \
        --organization $ORGANIZATION_NAME \
        --deployment $BRANCH_DEPLOYMENT_NAME \
        --api-token $DAGSTER_CLOUD_API_TOKEN \
        --location-file $LOCATION_FILE \
        --location-name $LOCATION_NAME \
        --image "${LOCATION_REGISTRY_URL}:${IMAGE_TAG}"

    Refer to the Code location guide for more info on how a location's details are specified.

Step 4: Access the branch deployment#

Now that Branch Deployments are configured, you can check out the preview in Dagster Cloud.

Click the deployment switcher to view your workspace's branch deployments:

Highlighted branch deployments in the Dagster Cloud's deployment switcher